tabanan regency造句


  1. Built in the 15th century, the temple is in Tabanan regency, about 40 kilometers south of Denpasar.
  2. We currently employ more than 1, 000 people, of which 75 percent are from surrounding villages and Tabanan regency.
  3. "We can't yet say how much we have lost from these landslides, " a spokesman at the Tabanan regency administration told the news agency.
  4. Seventy-five percent of the resort's employees come from local villages and the Tabanan regency, the rest are from other parts of Bali, Java and overseas.
  5. Set against the lofty mountains and rice terraces of Bali's Tabanan regency on the southwest coast, overlooking the Indian Ocean and away from crowded beaches of Kuta and Sanur, this new resort offers a natural retreat with world-class facilities.
  6. It's difficult to find tabanan regency in a sentence. 用tabanan regency造句挺难的


  1. "taban deng gai"造句
  2. "taban lo liyong"造句
  3. "tabana"造句
  4. "tabanac"造句
  5. "tabanan"造句
  6. "tabanca"造句
  7. "tabancal language"造句
  8. "tabancas"造句
  9. "tabanelli"造句
  10. "tabanera"造句

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